Thursday, July 14, 2016

Military Diet to Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days - Recommended Or Not?

The desire to lose weight fast is a global condition. Some people are willing to go to extremes in their quest to shed some pounds. For instance, some people wish to try a military diet to lose 10 pounds in 3 days. Most people believe that new recruits are put through such a rigorous training during the first weeks in the army that they lose a ton of pounds super fast.

Military Diet

Well, in reality, most of the diets which have a military style name like the Israeli Army Diet and Russian Air force Diet don't resemble anything which a new recruit goes through.

Recruits usually shed some fat because they become much more active during their bootcamp. On the other hand, the so-called military diets tend to be very restrictive nutritionally. They try to get you to lose weight by getting you to eat much less. For instance, the Israeli Army Diet lets you eat just one thing for two days straight at a time. Talk about a hard diet to stick to.

Yes, you can shed some weight very fast by doing such a diet. You may even lose 10 pounds in 3 days with it.

However, starving yourself like this isn't a good idea if you want to lose weight and keep it off for a long time afterward. In addition, don't you expect that recruits will be given enough food considering all the massive physical exercise and drills they have to do?

These military diet don't really have any connection with any army. They are, at best, very low and restrictive calorie diets. They may help you lose weight fast, but they won't help you keep it off for long.

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

My Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

A lot of people these days are looking for the best way to lose belly fat but unfortunately they've been told the wrong information by the media on what they should be doing. All of these false misconceptions people have learned on how to lose belly fat are actually causing them to slow down their progress as they don't see any results at all, which can lead them to feeling unconfident about losing weight in the first place. You may have been told that you should restrict your calories and go on a low-fat diet in order to lose weight but the truth is those things are only going to make you gain weight in the long run even if you see some small success with it at first. In the rest of this article I'll show you the best way to lose belly fat from real world experience along with proven research.

Lose Belly Fat

The first part and probably the most important part in losing belly fat is going to be your nutrition and there is a popular saying that you cannot out train a bad diet. You'll see many people at the gym who think that they're working out hard but then they go home and eat really bad causing them to not see any progress. This is caused mostly by their lack of healthy diet practices which leads to the storing of fat and then they will go to the gym to try to burn it off but they only end up going in circles. The number one most important thing you can do to lose belly fat is to avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars while eating more whole foods rich in protein and healthy fats. Green vegetables should also be a mainstay in your diet such as broccoli, collard greens, dino kale, and mustard greens while avoiding fruits because they contain a lot of fructose which is another form of sugar which will cause you to put on belly fat. Also make sure you don't drink any smoothies or fruit juices because they also contain high amounts of sugars and only thing you should be drinking is cold water or steeped green tea.

When it comes workouts you've probably seen people in the gym jogging on the same treadmill day after day but they never seem to get any results. Running at a steady pace for long period of time say 45 minutes is not a very effective means of burning fat rapidly. The most effective fat burning training method is high-intensity interval training and this is another form of sprinting which will cause an oxygen debt in your body. It will crank up your metabolism thus burning more calories and fat. The trade-off here is that high-intensity interval training is can be much more difficult then jogging or walking at a steady pace but the results will be well worth it. I suggest wearing a heart rate monitor so you can track how high your heart rate is getting and I would recommend cranking it up to 80% during your sprints and then bring it back down to 60% for the recovery times. Also make sure you're incorporating resistance training with heavy weights into your workout program in order to tone your body while building lean muscle.

As you can see the best way to lose belly fat is to implement proven nutrition and workout principles. There really aren't any shortcuts to permanent fat loss and even if you do lose some fat on an extreme diet you'll quickly rebound the weight and end up right back where you were. The real secret to permanent fat loss is to develop healthy lifestyle habits and avoiding the ones are the cause you to gain belly fat such as eating bad foods and not working out effectively. It may be hard to hear that there are no quick fixes to lose belly fat but to be honest with you most people already know that answer but they just don't want to admit it. So work hard and you'll be one of the few who actually get real results.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

5 Reasons Why Kettlebell Exercises Will Explode Your Workout

Although kettlebell exercises are a relatively new form of exercise they are quickly becoming one of the most popular form of workouts.

Kettlebell Exercises

Those of you who have never used a kettlebell routine before may be wondering what all the fuss is about but for those of you who have tried the kettlebell as part of your routine you will know just how powerful and effective their use can be in your fitness regime.

So Why Exactly Are Kettlebell Routines So Good?

1) Shorter Workouts

The beauty of a kettlebell workout is that you can gain the same benefit of a standard 45 minute workout in as little as 20 minutes using a kettlebell.

This is because kettlebell exercises provide a combination of improved muscle mass, increased levels of cardiovascular fitness and reduced fat levels that is unmatched in most other forms of exercise
2) Full Body Workouts

When you perform a kettlebell routine you will be using your entire body. Not only will you employ the major muscle groups in the legs, arms, back, shoulders and chest but you will work out all of the smaller muscles in between. Not many other forms of exercise highlight all of these muscles.

3) No Gym Membership Required

You don't need to join a fancy gym to perform a kettlebell routine. All you need to start is a couple of kettlebells. If you do not own any kettlebells I recommend you grab yourself a couple from the J Fit Kettlebell range.

4) Kettlebell Routines Develop Explosive Power

Most kettlebell routines will work the abs and the back which will develop your quick reactions and allow you to have that explosive reaction that is often necessary in modern sports.

5) Fast Results

Because kettlebell exercises engage so many muscles in your body and give you a great cardio workout simultaneously you will see quick results. If you maintain a good 3-4 sessions a week devoted to this then you will start to see some great results.

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